Helpful information for travellers

Travelling in 2025 and Beyond

As a privately owned company with over 40 years of history providing travellers with amazing travel experiences, we have seen many phases of the travel landscape and are here to provide you with our expertise, and give you our assurance that we will be here for you to contact during the planning and whilst you are abroad.

We are committed to the ongoing health, safety and prosperity of the travel industry and we look forward to continuing to provide you with memorable journeys for years to come.

If you would like any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact our team on +64 3 963 7000

Yours faithfully

Jacquie & Sarah

Directors, Holland Clarke & Beatson Ltd (HCB Travel)







Travelport ViewTrip is your personal travel website that displays up-to-the-minute information on your itinerary.

Airline seat maps

Worldwide Airports

Time zones

New Zealand government travel guidelines

Worldwide Embassies

Currency converter

Google maps

USA pre-waiver entry

Canada pre-wavier entry

International Calling Codes

Lonely Planet Worldwide Destination Guide

Electricity & Voltage guide



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